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O.P.Gupta V.V Papa Ng In our hearts...... now and always August 5, 2013
I simply wonder where to start and where to end .......If I can end at all. There are memories, memories and more memories. Now I feel, that during the eleven years we spent together, I did not realise when Neeraj (ng as I used to call him affectionately) changed over from a son-in- law to a son and ultimately to a dear friend with whom I could discuss any subject on earth.I remember how eager he used to be to drop in at our place for an hour or so for a chat and coffee whenever he could find time between the meetings.

I specifically remember one sunny day during the last winter which he spent with me at the terrace of our house.He was so excited and was repeatedly telling me "papa, this rooftop is like heaven. I wonder how I missed it all these years.Now onwards I will make it a point to spend at least one day in a week on this terrace" He was also continously explaining to me his share of designing in the buildings near the malls in Vasant Kunj overlooking our house.But as luck will have it due to changing weather and failing health he could not have another chance to spend time on the terrace.
However whenever I am on my terrace, which is almost a daily ritual I feel he is waving at me from the heavens above as if to tell me"dont worry, I am here with you."
piyush He still is there August 5, 2013
I went to see Neeraj last December, and we got talking about meditation. He told me about expereinces he had been having in his meditative state ... when he felt he became part of the cosmic consciousness, and was able to tune into the energies and intimations of the other world. I told him that that is the essence of Advaita ... non duality means that we are all part of a common energy form, we are all one. This physical world casts a visor (maya) over our inner consciousness, and the intent of meditation is to quieten the mind enough so this inner self can reach out and embrace its true form.

Neeraj was immensely excited by this conversation, and felt comforted that I had "got" what he had experienced.

I spoke to him a few times on the phone, and one last time shortly before he left us. Each time I spoke about this union, and each time I think he felt comforted. I believe that one reason for that was solace in the knowledge that even after death, he could still be part of our lives, that he would still be around to guide and support Anupama and the kids, that he could still be there...

And every day, I still feel his presence and his spirit. He still is there.

nitasha NC August 4, 2013
I had a wonderful friend. We called him NC (nanu chacha). He was there joking with my friends. Keeping an eye out for me while I was growing up. He had this sixth sense... Tashu he would call me. 
  He came home to teach physics or was it chemistry..to my sister. He would always say Gugu is my favourite niece. I am sure he knew how mad that made me. We would climb over his legs when we were little kids as if we were crossing the himalayas. He would offer me a 5 star to get me to keep quite for full 5 minutes & he kept that promise.    
When I had any teenage trauma, he would come to pick me from college. Drive around Delhi to share my story and tell me about life. I think he liked to terrorize my male friends that there is someone looking out for Tashu so watch it! 
He was one of those rare men...the kinds who open car doors for you. Who treat you like a little princess. The tricks he would play on my birthday. Made me open one box inside another..inside another..inside another... Ufff.. Only to find a note saying that he spent everything on packing material! Yes he had that goofy kind of humor. I want his little kids to know.. That he would have been that friend to them. He would constantly ask if you want popcorns or did you notice that marketing gimmick in a movie while you were all glued to the screen. NC!!!!!!! Uggghhh...dont do that. He enjoyed annoying you even more.   
There was a small part of his life I shared. My friends shared. Such a short life...so beautiful...so simple..so touching. He knew if there was anything in my life he would always be the first to know. We will meet again in another lifetime. Be friends again. I can't say goodbye. It just doesn't feel right. It's too soon. I never had the courage to go meet him in 11 months of his illness. I wanted to meet him when he was all hale and hearty..smiling & telling me how Gugu will always be his favourite niece. And his eyes would do that little twinkle coz it made me so mad.   
 I will remember you always. Because memories keep you alive long after you are gone. It is memories which tell the story of your life.
Neeraj Gupta aka doughty_fish (his yahoo id... brave fish... coz he was a piscean... a true piscean.. sensitive emotional ... lived in feelings) our last chat 23rd apr 2012... u were still worried about me... just like a decade ago....
Anupama Gupta Neeraj for me.. August 4, 2013

Neeraj was so much more than a beloved Son, Husband, Father, Brother and Friend.  He was a force and source of positive energy !  He affected every life he came in contact with.  He lived for the moment  like there is no tomorrow, when he hugged he enveloped you and when he loved he did it unconditionally ,with his whole heart.

He opened doors and pulled chairs for women ,loved popcorn , midnight maggi and movies, tickled everybody’s hearts young or old alike, children were his weakness, meeting friends over coffee and enjoying good meals gave him joy, took pride in his work and remained humble in ashram duties, he was generous and would gladly give you his last rupee without hesitation. 

He fought his illness valiantly, He never quit, never complained !  

He has been and is my best friend and I believe he is still with us, watching over us

Although I miss him every moment and there is a huge void in our lives, I know his love never ends, it knows no boundaries and has no earthly limitations.

Till we meet again…


Anupama Gupta Neeraj's favourite poem by William Henry Davies August 4, 2013


What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this is if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

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